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15 Things About Me and 1 Product

The lovely Stavroula tagged me (http://www.drugstoreandbargainlover.com/) and even though I'm TERRIBLE at these things I will try anyway. I wanted to give you guys some kind of post until I can post my giveaway! I'm waiting for one more item to arrive that I really want included, it should be here today so I can hopefully post tomorrow.

I want to say a huge thank you to all of my subscribers, new and old, and especially those who passed on my blog link to help me reach 300!

15 Random Things About Me
1. I have a deep rooted love for pasta. I know it's not great for you, but I feel like my body is different from most people. I have been eating more pasta/rice/carbs than meat my whole life and I don't consider myself nor would most people consider me overweight. I tend to have disagreements with my family as they are a meat and potatoes household, and I just cannot eat like that every night. I feel sluggish and completely lacking in energy.

2. I have a bit of OCD. Not in the way that most people do; i.e. you won't find my house completely organized but certain things will be meticulous. For one, cereal boxes have to go from tallest to shortest, left to right. I will keep rearranging them if I catch them any other way. When I eat things cut into pieces, I usually tend to eat them in twos (things like waffles, penne pasta, etc). I get annoyed if I eat more or less. I sleep with two pillows, no more, no less. Yes, I am weird :)

3. I hate photo editing. Frankly, it pisses me off. No offense to any of the regular bloggers that I follow that tend to do that -- but I'm also referencing super photoshopping, not a bit of color correction and blemish covering. To me, even if you have talent, you're making yourself LOOK talentless by blurring the entire photo and watercolouring it to make your skin look flawless. No one's skin looks like the reflection off of a lake. Stop it.

4. I'm not on board with the slouchy boot trend. Or Uggs. Or most boots for that matter. I own three pairs of boots: A pair of leather dress boots with a squared toe, another leather pair that are more flat and casual with a zip up the side and a lace up pair from my goth days that I still wear to metal shows as they have a steel toe. That's it. I don't do the slouchy, sueded, weird, ugly THINGS that I keep seeing on girls' feet. I've only ever seen a few people rock them. It's very rare. I want to rip them off most of the time.

5. I get bored easily, and along with that, I prefer to be the center of attention. Yet I'm sort of shy around new people. I have a weird personality -- if I'm in a conversation with someone and interested, then it could go on for hours. Otherwise, if they don't spark my interest and aren't really paying attention to anything I'm saying, I space out. Good luck getting me to pay attention after that point. At the same time, I was very nervous about showing my makeup online.

6. Ignorance and hubris are the two things I cannot stand in a person. If I detect it, I will usually shut down (see #5) and lose interest in speaking to them.

7. My husband and I have weird pet names for each other. I call him honeybee, and he calls me babybee. I don't know where it came from, but it happened. He also calls me turtle (hence my website title... get it now?) because of a photo of us from one of our trips (I was making a dumb face). He'll occasionally get called monkey by me if he's stretching out on the bed and being generally lazy, which is most of the time. :)

8. I am very sensitive to sounds. I'm not a big horror movie fan but what will creep me out about most movies/video games is the noise and not so much the sights. I can take blood, guts and all kinds of gross things but stick me in a dark room with scraping or generally suspicious sounds and you will have a screaming, scared Wendy. This transfers over to daily life as well -- I don't like loud noises and tend to cover my ears rather quickly.

9. I've not done much traveling in my life. I had traveled no more than 6 hours north (to Pennsylvania) of where I live (Virginia) and no more than 7-8 hours south (to Georgia) of where I live. I've never been to New York City, Las Vegas, or even the west coast at all. But, on the flip side, I've been to England 3 times visiting my (now) husband. I loved it there and can't wait to go back. The plane flight was traumatic for me as I had never been on a plane for more than 45 mins and took an 8 hour flight over there!

10. In terms of my career, I am a paralegal. I have an Associate's Degree for it (which didn't help me much except to actually obtain my first job) and am currently running an office for an employment attorney. It's not as exciting as the criminal and divorce work I used to do but my boss is so nice and my job is very stable. I love it.

11. Outside of makeup, I do have a small obsession with shoes, houndstooth and also argyle prints. The argyle can't be tacky though... has to be just right.

12. I listen to all kinds of music. I've gone through many phases but right now I am set at a wide variety. I listen to pretty much everything except for straight hip hop and rap, and I'm not a huge fan of country but I will admit to liking Taylor Swift. In the span of 3 months I saw Gwar/Lamb of God and then turned around and saw Paramore... so. It's all good by me.

13. I don't like being a passenger in a car. I will generally drive if I'm able to. It's a comfort thing (I want to control the music, etc) and also because I get very, very motion sick in the passenger seats. Very.

14. I am very picky about phone etiquette. Since I work in an office, and am a "secretary", my boss obviously wants me to filter calls. I refuse to give the phone to him unless I know who they are, why they are calling and if I am able to help them instead. Lawyers are very busy, especially my boss, and a lot of times they call for issues I can help them with. I get SO annoyed when people refuse to tell me why they are calling and say they will call back. Guess what? You're going to get the same answer next time. Unless you are a client/another attorney that I know he is waiting for a call from, you're not getting through. On a daily basis, I have people hang up on me after finding out he "isn't here" or whatnot. I mean, at least say thank you. Or leave your name. It's so effing rude to hang up on someone! /rant end (I told you I'm bad at these)

15. I was very, very close with my grandparents (mother's side) before they passed away. My grandmother passed when I was about 18 or 19 (I'm 23 now) and my grandfather a couple of years later. I still haven't completely gotten over it. It makes me sad that they missed me getting married, etc. They were like second parents to me and I could always talk to my grandmother about everything. She died very suddenly after breaking her hip and catching pneumonia. My grandfather had a massive stroke shortly afterand suffered for another year before passing, so that was very difficult for me to watch.


Birmingham Lady tagged me on this! Sort of...

If I had to pick just one product for the rest of my life...

Face Primer: Clinique Redness Solutions Daily Base
Foundation: Mac Studio Fix Powder
Concealer: Maybelline SuperStay 24 Hour Concealer
Translucent powder: Physician's Formula Bamboo Wear (only one I've ever tried)
Powder: Same as above
Blush: Hard Candy Living Doll (god, close tie between that and Sleek Rose Gold)
Highlighter: MeMeMe Moon Beam
Eye Primer: Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Eyeshadow: omg, just one? ARE YOU INSANE? Uhhhhh... Urban Decay Sidecar
Eye pencil: Milani Liquif'eye in Black (even though I only have Aqua, I know the black is good)
Mascara: Maybelline The Colossal
Lipstick: Maybelline Pink Please (close tie between that and Boots Natural in Petal)
Gloss: Mac Nymphette Lipglass

That was really tough. I had to just type as the names came to me instead of analyzing it too much!

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