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Mini Beauty Haul

False Lashes - £4
Base/Flawless Core Collection £21.99
Set includes a detailer brush, pointed foundation brush, buffing brush and contour brush
Eyes/Enhanced Starter Set - £21.99
Set includes a base shadow brush, a deluxe crease brush, an accent brush, a brow brush and a pixel-point eyeliner brush
Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner - £7.99
Rapid Dry for Nails -£3.05 - Get ‘Em Off Artificial Nail Remover - £2.65

So on Sunday my lovely mummy came to visit me here in Bristol and we decided to embark upon a little shopping trip to Cabot Circus. Now, while many of you may be sitting there thinking “Hold on there Emily, aren’t you a student? And isn’t buying lovely beauty producty things just a little bit wreckless?” there is actually method behind the madness.

In just a few, short weeks time I am going to be doing my very first photo shoot as a makeup artist. Now I don’t want to give too much away, and it’s nothing too fancy (you won’t be seeing my work in Vogue any time soon) but it’s very exciting all the same!
In the meantime I’m working on making sure my kit is in tip-top condition and making sure I have everything I could possibly need in order to create the looks that the photographer and myself have agreed upon.

This little haul is just the start of a couple more hauls to come with some necessities for my emerging makeup kit! Anyway, on with the haul!

♥ False Lashes

Not much to say about these - they’re just some cheapy ones that I picked up so that I could practice putting them on fairly quickly without too much fuss. I haven’t picked the lashes I’ll use for the actual shoot yet!

♥ Real Techniques Brushes

To be fair I already have a pretty good brush collection, but I always find myself in short supply of some smaller brushes for eyeshadow/concealer application and having heard so many good things about these I thought that it would be an affordable way to bulk up my brush collection without breaking the bank. The smaller face brushes will also be ideal for applying contour/highlights and blush and what not. You can never have too many brushes! Although I haven’t tried these on my face yet, I can’t wait. My first impressions are that they aren’t quite as soft as my MAC brushes, but I do like the fact that they are all duo-fibre. And, well, I can’t really rate them too much without having even used them yet!

I also love the fact that each set comes with its own little brush roll which will be perfect for transporting the brushes to and from the shoot without damaging them at all. I’m also absolutely positive that I’ll be able to find a use for every single one of them :)

♥ Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner

I have heard so many good things about this liner from great makeup artists whose opinions I trust (gossmakeupartist is one, and you should definitely all check out his channel if you want superb looking makeup!). Again - as with all of these products I haven’t tried it yet, but it does look very black - no gold shimmer or anything - and hopefully it shouldn’t be too different to apply than my Mac gel liner. The brush that it comes with also look pretty alright, although maybe not quite as thin as I would have liked. I’ll be sure to let you guys know how this works out for me though!

♥ Get ‘Em Off Artificial Nail Remover

I bought this just to take off my acrylics thinking that it was a bit of a bargain, but I have to say... it hasn’t been as straight forward as I would have hoped. Maybe that ha something to do with the fact that I didn’t follow the instructions properly... oopsie! I’m a bit of a newbie with all of this...

♥ Rapid Dry for Nails

As the elegant touch products were on offer for buy one get one free, I couldn’t really turn this down . I’ve wanted one for ages just to make my life a little easier while I’m painting my nails. The idea is that you spray this over freshly painted nails and they’re dry within 60 seconds... let’s hope that it works!

There should be a couple more hauls on their way soon. In the mean time can you guys think of any kit essentials for my upcoming photoshoot?

Thanks for reading!

Emily x

P.S. I've been gaining a slight obsession with Instagram recently, so if you fancy checking out some of my pictures or if you have an account too then let me know! Here is the link to my account:


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