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130301 & 130302 jaejoong at y album fansign events (hot track & synnara), [TWITTER] 130302 Compilation of Tweets About Jaejoong’s “Y” Album Fansign Event, [TRANS] 130302 Compilation of Tweets: Kim Jaejoong’s Fansign Event 2 for “Y” Mini-Album (Day 2),130302 FUKUTARO Blog Update: Trip to South Korea and JYJ Members Say They′re Working Hard in Anticipation of Their Tokyo Dome Concert

130301 & 130302 jaejoong at y album fansign events (hot track & synnara)

130301 신나라 (SYNNRA) SIGNING - EVENT 1
Before the Event
(at Hair Salon - ‘Red Carpet’ above Coffee Cojjee)
I spot Fuku-san ^^

The Event
Hello Oppa




Before the Event
K uni


At The Venue

As tagged

The Event
SSUE Daily


































After The Event

amour yoonjae

source: cojjee-archives.tumblr

some other pics:

[130302] JYJ’s Jaejoong at Red Carpet Salon
cr : as tagged

source: Kim Jae Joong tumblr

[TRANS] 130302 Compilation of Tweets: Kim Jaejoong’s Fansign Event 2 for “Y” Mini-Album (Day 2)

  • The day 2 autograph session was full of foreign fans.
    Jaejoong was dumbfounded when nobody responded to him after he started saying something.
    Then only he realized that most of the fans today are actually foreigners who couldn’t understand Korean well.
    After that, Jaejoong greeted in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
    (Via: JinRoee竹子, Trans: @theXiahpwa)
  • Intermission~ JJ says fan signs aren’t tough and are quite fun. It’s like taking a test ^^ 
    (Via: @JJstar_ , Trans: @ohmyjunsu)
  • LOL JJ is having a hard time writing fans’ names cuz two Thai fans went up back to back XD JJ keeps asking ‘what is this, is this right’ xD (Via: @ohmyjunsu)
  • Jaejoong hugged a male fan.. orz
    (Via: @OthJY, Trans: @ohmyjunsu)
  • JJ was asked if he is interested in acting in JP drama again. He answered he is and he added he’d like to do anything he can do. Fans there applauded. 
    (Via: DC jellery, Trans: @worldclassJJ)
  • A JP Fan asked JJ “why did u name the dog HIROkun?” in JP. JJ explained everything in kr and asked in the end.”Did you understand?” in JP. LOL (Via: @babyskymicky)
  • A fan told to Jae: oppa actually we are same age. Then jj: why you call me oppa? Fan: er, Jaejoon ah. .JJ bow his head shy slightly:ne (via: @MegWu0312)
  • Jaejoong’s favorite Japanese food is katsudon. But he can’t eat it for 4 year already cos in SK, there is no restaurant that makes it well. 
    (Via: @meitingai, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Jaejoong: “Everyone, I’m in trouble! This is Thai! Let’s me practice first” LOL so cute xD 
    (Via: @meitingai, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Q: Who manage LINE account? Jaejoong: Naver ROFL 
    (Via: @Lavender2007, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Jaejoong directly participated in the meetings about Cojjee’s cups and made final decision  
    (Via: @mjmungzi, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Cojjee’s cup design? I participated in the ‘idea’ meeting and made the final decision.. ㅎ It’s very tiring.. It’s all break even. It’s my service for you. We don’t have much profit.. I’ll think about making a chain store~ 
    (Via: @Lavender2007, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Q: When will you go to military service?
    JJ: When I have to go, I’ll tell you
    Q: Should I go instead of you?
    JJ: I’ll just go myself
    (Via: @Lavender2007, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Fan asked Jaejoong what kind of smell (scent) he would like from the woman he loves. Jaejoong said he likes “people’s distinctive skin scent”.
    Jaejoong said he likes that odor that we can smell only when we’re close to each other, not offensive odor or cosmetics smell.
    (Via: @studio_Jay, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Q: What abt the MV shot in Hongkong? JJ: I don’t know why it doesn’t come out either. I also want to watch it 
    (Via: @Lavender2007, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Q from a Japanese fan, Jaejoong translated. 
    Fan: Don’t you think about shaving up your hair like Yoochun did?
    JJ: Should I shave?
    Fan: No!
    JJ: Why you asked me then? Then the fan asked Jaejoong to show his forehead. He said that he would have to show it in his final schedule anyway (?), it’s not something hard to do.
    (Via: @Lavender2007, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Jaejoong always pins up his hair at home. LOL cute xD 
    (Via: @Lavender2007, Trans: @The_little_pear)
  • Feeling about Tokyo Dome? Many things that everybody don’t know about happened these 4 years. However, finally we could make it (literally, we could enter it). Tbh, rather than be happy by the fact that we can perform at Dome,it’s like “we can go there only after 4 years”.. I think that it’s very meaningful to us. I hope that we can come and meet [everyone in Japan] more often.. (Via: @The_little_pear)
Photo Credits: As tagged
Translated by: The_little_pear of PrinceJJ + Ohmyjunsu + babyskymicky + wordclassjj + MegWu0312 + theXiahpwa
Shared By: JYJ3
[TWITTER] 130302 Compilation of Tweets About Jaejoong’s “Y” Album Fansign Event
  • Jaejoong said B in Kiss B is BODY!!! Gosh srsly *died*  (@pong1215: 여러분.. KISS B…. KISS BODY 라고합니다) 
  • Fans request Jae to sing Kiss B and he said if I sing here, I’ll become a bad boy. Lol
  • Fan asked who was the one who wrote Kiss B’s lyrics and Jae was stumped then act all cute and said “Your question is too difficult. Seems like fans kept asking him about Kiss B coz he “complained” why are you all keep asking the same questions!” Then he said <this song is a “little bit rated” but is common in western countries. But I’m innocent.> LOL Jae!
  • A fan asked abt lylics of KissB,if it’s based on his experience or his wish.jj answered: I don’t understand meaning in jp. LOL via @Rinmaze
  • Q: Will there be a live band at Tokyo Dome? JJ: Yes, aren’t we a live group ^^(도쿄돔에서 밴드라이브해요? 네- 저희는 라이브 그룹이잖아요^^)
  • Q: Will you perform a solo at Tokyo Dome, like Mine? JJ: Of course!
  • Q: What about Kiss B? JJ: *shook head* Since the performances set list is completed, it can’t be changed
  • (@illcho_ 도쿄돔에서 마인이나 그런 솔로독 부르나요? 그렇죠! 키스비는요? 고개 절레절레, 공연의 세트리스트가 완성돼서 바꿀 수 넚어요. 밴드 라이브해요? 네. 저희는 라이브그룹이잖아요.)
  • Jae like to eat garlic and onion! O_o Oh and tofu ^^ Fan asked “What do you eat to look so gorgeous?” Jae “I like meat and vegetables. Now mostly I take vegetarian food. There are those vegetarian meats right? And I like to eat garlic, onions and tofu. I can just eat tofu for a long time.”
  • JJ will sing one Kiss and mine in Tokyo Dome LIVE. The band live! (@soarjeje ジェジュンがKiss bのbは体のこと、ドームでone Kissとmine歌ってくれるんだって、バンドライブです!!!
  • When a fan asked why Jae likes to take upper body naked pictures, Jae was dumbfounded. XD He said he likes his home to be dark so he doesn’t switch on the lights much. Whenever he does, he will be changing his clothes, then taking off his shirt and laying on the bed. Fan then asked “So that’s when you suddenly feel like taking photos?” Jae laughs and said yes. Fan “Then, taking off shirt meaning will also take off pants?” Jae *knocked down*! XD
  • Fan asked which shower foam Jae is using & he answered he uses any brands. As for cosmetics, currently he’s using TM (<_< of coz) and ask fans to show more support. *Great spokeperson*
  • @ohmyjunsu: She won the drink Jaejoomg was drinking…… RT @Raphaela_jyj: 오빠가 마신 음료수 당첨이야ㅜㅜㅜㅠ http://twitpic.com/c7xzv9 

  • Fan asked “In OneKiss, what does that *One* means?” Jae “It’s meaning to thank someone who know me well.” Fan “who’s the *someone*?” Jae *knocked down again* “Can don’t ask in such details? It’s not meant to be a particular person. Just in a scenario.”
  • The set list of the Tokyo Dome performance has already been fixed! RT @soarjeje セットリストももう確定!!!
  • Jaejoong said that he read the Jackal Review book (made by Kor fan) RT @luvjey 재중님께서 #자칼리뷰북 읽어봤대요^^
  • Jaejoong hugged a male fan.. orz via @OthJY (translated by @ohmyjunsu)
  • LOL JJ is having a hard time writing fans’ names cuz two Thai fans went up back to back XD JJ keeps asking ‘what is this, is this right’ xD via @ohmyjunsu
  • Intermission~ JJ says fan signs aren’t tough and are quite fun. It’s like taking a test ^^ via @ JJstar_ (translated by @ohmyjunsu)
  • JJ was asked if he is interested in acting in JP drama again. He answered he is and he added he’d like to do anything he can do. Fans there applauded. (cr: dc jellery – translation @worldclassJJ)
  • Jaejoong’s favorite Japanese food is katsudon. But he can’t eat it for 4 year already cos in SK, there is no restaurant that makes it well. Via @meitingai translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Jaejoong: “Everyone, I’m in trouble! This is Thai! Let’s me practice first” LOL so cute xD Via @meitingai translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Q: Who manage LINE acc? Jaejoong: Naver ROFL via @Lavender2007 translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Jaejoong directly participated in the meetings abt Cojjee’s cups and made final decision via @mjmungzi translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Q: When will you go to military service? JJ: When I have to go, I’ll tell you
  • Q: Should I go instead of you? JJ: I’ll just go myself  via @Lavender2007 translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Fan asked Jaejoong what kind of smell (scent) he would like from the woman he loves. Jaejoong said he likes “people’s distinctive skin scent” - Jaejoong said he likes that odor that we can smell only when we’re close to each other, not offensive odor or cosmetics smell via @studio_Jay translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Q: What abt the MV shot in Hongkong? JJ: I don’t know why it doesn’t come out either. I also want to watch it via@Lavender2007 translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Q from a Japanese fan, Jaejoong translated. Fan: Don’t you think about shaving up your hair like Yoochun did?
  • JJ: Should I shave? Fan: No!
  • JJ: Why you asked me then? Then the fan asked Jaejoong to show his forehead. He said that he would have to show it in his final schedule anyway (?), it’s not something hard to do. via @Lavender2007 translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Jaejoong always pins up his hair at home. LOL cute xD via @Lavender2007 translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • A jp fan asked jj “why did u name the dog HIROkun?” in jp.JJ explained everything in kr and asked in the end.”Did you understand?” in jp.LOL via @babyskymicky
  • Feeling about Tokyo Dome? Many things that everybody don’t know about happened these 4 years. However, finally we could make it (literally, we could enter it). Tbh, rather than be happy by the fact that we can perform at Dome,it’s like “we can go there only after 4 years”.. I think that it’s very meaningful to us. I hope that we can come and meet [everyone in Japan] more often.. via Hannah @The_Little_Pear
  • Cojjee’s cup design? I participated in the ‘idea’ meeting and made the final decision.. ㅎ It’s very tiring.. It’s all break even. It’s my service for you. We don’t have much profit.. I’ll think about making a chain store~ via @Lavender2007 translated by Hannah @The_Little_Pear
cr. @The_Little_Pear, @shadowjaejes, @ohmyjunsu, @guushan_jj, @ worldclassjj, @mjmungzi, @Lavender2007, @meitingai, @OthJY, @JJstar_, dc jellert, @Ohmyjunsu 
To see pics from the fansign event go here.

othewr twitter;

Jaejoong said today about KISS B, <this song is a “little bit rated” but is common in western countries. But I’m innocent.> LOL Jae! (Via: @ShadowJaeJes

[TRANS] 130302 Compilation of Tweets: Kim Jaejoong’s Fansign Event 2 for “Y” Mini-Album (Day 2)

[OTHER FACEBOOK] 130304 Fukutaro Facebook Update: Fuku-san with Jaejoong
Fukutaro accompanied Jaejoong during the Fansign Events for “Y” Mini-Album

130302 FUKUTARO Blog Update: Trip to South Korea
Every year, I will definitely go for a trip to S.Korea, and this year I finally able to do so.
I was a bit busy too, so I could hardly go (for the trip), but there’s something that I want to say directly so no matter what it was, I went to S.Korea.
It’s a good thing I could convey it ☆
As expected, saying ‘congratulations’ while seeing each other instead of saying it over the phone feels very different…
I think seeing face to face and talk of stories bind people to each other ☆
It was a really nice memory.
He’s a friend who is really busy that you could barely meet him even in S.Korea but, Jaejoong’s kindness really makes even my heart hurts…
I was convinced that we couldn’t meet in private, Jaejoong told me instead, “It’s work, but would you come along?” ☆
Your thought of which even if it’s work, we could at least be together longer a bit more, that feeling really makes me so happy. ☆
2 years ago, I wonder if you remember?
I unconsciously slept on the floor, when I woke up, you, were also sleeping on the floor together ☆ plus, the blanket and pillows with you *laugh*
It makes me remember that memory ☆
Thank you ☆
I am so proud to have such a mate like this ☆
And, me, I really likes myself who has such a mate ☆
Today, I learned something from a movie I watched ☆
I want to tell you about it ☆
“Because I love you, people are angry” *
I think you don’t understand the meaning, so I hope you watch the movie “Love will start from today” ☆
I laughed so much, that tears came out ☆
I realized at the end that, they were tears of joy☆
I love you who always treasure your mate ☆
I don’t know how many times we hugged before I returned to Japan~ *laugh*
That’s a feeling that only guys would understand!!!! *laugh*
In the end, this year’s birthday, “Really, congratulations~”
I will go and wish you next year and next next year, ok~~~~
I am your best friend!!!!!!
Sil~ly (^^)

[TRANS] 130302 A muggle became JYJ’s fan after attending Jaejoong’s Fansign Event (Day 1)

This is a Kakao convo between a fan and her muggle friend

++ Kim Jaejoong’s Fansign event (Day 1)  ++
Fan: My beloved friend ya~~ Where are you now?
Muggle friend: Why?
Fan: *sends photo* Why do I see you there?
Muggle friend: Haha Kim Jaejoong jjang
Muggle friend: Yah T______T I’ll be JYJ fan
Muggle friend: He’s handsome
Muggle friend: Have you ever heard his breathing?
Fan: Nope
Muggle friend: His breathing is also handsome
Fan: ………

Source: DCGallTranscredit: @The_little_pear of JYJ3

Source: JYJ DC Gall

Translation Credit: @The_little_pear of PrinceJJ

Shared By: JYJ3

JYJ Members Say They′re Working Hard in Anticipation of Their Tokyo Dome Concert

The three members of JYJ have been sweating it out in preparation of their upcoming grand Tokyo Dome concert.
From April 2-4, JYJ will perform in a set of three concerts at the Tokyo Dome. The concert is to be a meaningful one, as it is the group′s first performance in Japan in three (four by Korean count) years, following an extensive lawsuit with its former Japanese agency Avex.

While the legal issues raged on, Japanese fans had no choice but to visit Korea in order to see JYJ, while the group in return was saddened at the thought that it couldn′t meet its fans in Japan.

Following the resolution of the lawsuit, however, JYJ will finally be able to repay its fans for the great show of love with a performance in the Tokyo Dome.

The members are currently in Korea, working hard in preparation for the concert. Kim Jae Joong especially has to double his efforts, as he will be holding the third concert for his solo Asia tour in Shanghai, China on March 17.

A rep from JYJ′s agency C-JeS Entertainment commented to enews on March 3, "The JYJ members are working as hard as ever to return with something better."


[130304] JYJ Official Naver Line Update
New semester, did you meet new friends?
There are new students admitted
Get along well~
Let them hear some JYJ music~~ Hehe
English Message: 
First Monday of March! What’s your plan?
well .. In Korea, New semester starts in March.. :)  
For students all over the world! Introduce JYJ songs to your friends!
Then.. you guys will be good friends just like us!  
Credit: chloe6002 + HC
Source: JYJ(EN) LINE

Twitter: Sungwon of A-Prince, proof shot of Jaejoong’s ‘Y’ repackaged album
@sswonn: 김재중 선배님의 리패키지앨범”Y”를 손에넣었습니다!!크하하감격!!! 멋진자켓앨범들과 신비로운음원들!! 최고!!! pic.twitter.com/Ref614i1lw
I got the repackage album “Y” of Kim Jaejoong sunbae-nim!! Haha deeply moved!! Cool jacket album and mysterious music!! The best!!!
[Note: I flipped the photo since it was backwards]
Credit: The_little_pear

[TRANS] 130302 Y fansign #YUNJAE http://

twitpic.com/c8cs3k (JJ's autograph and YunJae

fanmade pic) This fan pointed at the photo (she

photoshopped pic of Yunho's face on her face) said

"Yunho is so handsome" to JaeJoong. Then

JaeJoong replied her "he~he~(laughs) Thank you".

PS: their conversation is in Korean.

This taiwanese fan's name first word '' is kinda

difficult for JaeJoong to write,

so everyone taught him how to write the word on

the table for a while, his security guard( http://

twitpic.com/c8cw0v ) even took out a paper to let

him practice, until an assistant rescued him. He

even complain this fan's handwriting it's weird lol

RT @朱朱朱朱大腸:







RT @朱朱朱朱大腸:


.....JaeJoong why you have to say thank you to

the fan?! he said YUNHO is so handsome not you lol

Original post by: weibo @朱朱朱朱大腸

Trans by: jejebei_1226



This fan’s name is Zai Zhu (在朱),so easy to write, but it took Jaejoong a lot of time to write. Everyone had to teach him how to write, finally one assisant helped him. He still complained that it’s because her name is very strange.

This fan pointed at the photo and said “Yunho is very handsome”,

Jaejoong said “Thank you.” =.=

F: 朱朱朱朱大腸@weibo
ETrans: Yingie @YunJaeDB5K


‎[130203 JaeJoong Y Fansign] 

note; this is awesome...JJ looked so happy n healthier in this Event and able to handle many kind of situation very well...and all kind of fans got their right to express their feeling ...look peaceful enough n convenient...

Fan: "Hello, am a Chinese YunJae fan"

Jaejoong: "Nee ~"
Fan: "what can you put a heart next to my name?"
Jaejoong: "Nee ~"
Fan: "the heart that Yunho oppa draws, I don't know if it looks like a heart or as a B" after Jaejoong heard that, he began to laugh really strong, according to the girl who wrote this post, she got the pen that Jaejoong used for the autographs. A lucky girl.

Fan: Hi I’m YUNJAE’s fan from China. 
JJ : Ne~ 
Fan: Can you put heart behind my name? 
JJ : Ne~
Fan: The heart that Yunho oppa drew, I don’t know if it looks like heart or B.
After JaeJoong heard that, he laughs really hard according to the person who wrote this post. and she got the pen that JJ used to sign for fans. such a lucky girl.

F: @tvxq962464
via: @jejebei_1226

JYJ car @shibuya 120303 

‎[FANCAMS] 130303 JYJ’s Truck Ad for Tokyo Dome Concert Spotted

The truck is playing “In Heaven” while driving around in Shibuya!!

Fanaccount Tweets :
Ironic that the bus is playing ‘In Heaven’ so the lyrics are ‘Don’t leave don’t leave can’t you stay by me’… but the truck itself leaves.. (via @ohmyjunsu)

All Credits : waccotic + azujunjun
Kirsty Valentine

more video;


[Pic] 03/03/2013 Mobil advertisement. JYJ Tokyo dome . 

You can see many people took pics of this car
Kamu bisa melihat banyak orang mengambil Foto dari mobil ini.

Credit : para126 
Link. : twitpic.com/c8a1
Shared: JYJ Fans Indonesia


[NEWS] 130228 JYJ’s Tokyo Dome concert confirmed,

 “We’ll give you the best stage”

JYJ will resume activities in Japan after four years.

JYJ will have a 3-day concert at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan, from April 2 to 4. This concert is the first official event since ‘THANKSGIVING LIVE IN DOME’ since June 2010 in four years after Avex suspended JYJ activities in Sept 2010 due to lawsuit about exclusive contract. JYJ’s 2010 Japanese activities in Tokyo and Osaka Dome tour lasted for four days and had an audience of 200,000 people.

JYJ said “We are already excited to meet fans in Japan after a long time. Performance at Tokyo Dome is very meaningful for us. We are confied that we will give you the best stage since we will be standing in front of everyoe for the first time in 4 years.”

Source: Star.mk.co
Translated by: Ruby of JYJ3
Shared By: JYJ3

JYJ CM MAKING -토니모리 CF광고 메이킹 필름


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