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Connie Britton anything for a prize


Connie Britton anything for a prize

Connie Britton was a luscious curvy redhead. She was gorgeous. She always looked amazing. She was funny and quite nice as well. She was a lovely person all around. All of this made her a prime candidate for a messing.

One day she was relaxing, sunbathing on the beach when she was approached by a presenter who had a cameraman with him. He did not really realise that she was famous. He was just out on the beach filming for the variety show that he was on and approaching people on the beach with the aim of getting them to do crazy and funny challenges and stunts for prizes etc.

She was approached by the presenter. He was incredibly hyper and enthusiastic. It was an MTV style of show, but also similar to shows that were on ITV as well. It was an anything for cash sort of concept. “Hey, sorry to bother you, but we are filming for a television gameshow where we approach everyday people and ask them if they are willing to do crazy things for amazing prizes. We wondered if you would like to take part.” She did not need the money or to be on television, but she considered it anyway. It sounded like it could be fun depending on what they had in mind. She looked at him and then asked, “What would you be asking me to do then?” He smiled, thinking that she was at least considering the offer. “Well, the prize is a trip to anywhere you would like in America. All you have to do it get a stranger to dump our bucket of leftovers all over you.” He showed her the bucket. It was gigantic. It was filled with foul smelling food waste. It looked and smelled revolting. She turned up her nose when she saw it, but then said,” Ok, that should be easy enough.” “Great,” he said. He was a little surprised that she had agreed. He was very happy that she did though. He then told her that there was a time limit.

This was not dissimilar to an old show called Would ya, Could ya from the early 2000’s in concept. She stood up and got ready. He told her that he had five minutes to convince someone. She got up and raced around talking to anyone that she could find. She was tripping over her words. It was not easy to explain what she meant. The first few people that she asked looked at her as though she was crazy and could not get away fast enough. Two more people refused. Finally, she approached a guy who was a bit younger than her. He tried not to let it show that he found her very attractive. When  she asked him to dump the leftovers on her, he thought that his dreams all came true at once. Of course, he would be only too happy to oblige.

They went over by the boardwalk and she got into position. She got down on her knees and put her arms behind her back. She looked up at him, closed her eyes and shook her head. “Let me have it,” she shouted. He could not believe that this was really happening. This was like a dream come true. He was handed the bucket and told to fire at will. He smiled as he approached.

He took aim and slowly began to tip the bucket forward, aiming it at Connie. “Oh yeah, I want it. Give it to me,” she shouted somewhat sarcastically. The revolting food waste began to pour down over Connie’s head, oozing over her face and down her body. It was a genuine mixture of various discarded foods. There was bits of macaroni, rotten eggs and vegetables, pumpkin innards, bean dip, gravy and even some half chewed French fries in the bucket. She made a disgusted look as the mess slopped down all over her. Some of it clung to her face and hair as the slimier bits rolled down her breasts and down her sexy body, onto her legs, behind and stomach. She could feel it all over her.

When he was done she got him to put his hands in the mess and let him rub some of it around on her body and in her face. She let him smush the larger clumps onto her chest and her behind. She stood up and shook a bit. She bowed as she was presented with the tickets that she had won. She shook the man’s hand and thanked him.

“Well done,” the presenter said. “Both of you did great. Thank you so much.” He only found out later on that Connie was a famous actress.

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