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Nigel Travis worried about Mike chicken and donuts in downtown Kenosha,Wisconsin

Martin Manziel
Dream Money
   Nigel Travis is head and CEO of Dunkin Donuts and he is not happy at the spread of chicken and donuts concept bars around the country. Nigel sees these businesses as a threat to his company and ability to sell franchises to foreigners and then getting a cut form it. Nigel was perplexed at having difficulty of cracking downtown Kenosha and couldn't get a Dunkin franchise in the historic Wisconsin city and instead saw something else that kept him up at night.
Mikes chicken and donuts combines two great American foods and the place is packed most days unlike the fraudulent Dunkin Donuts shit boles that often sit empty in the afternoons and evenings and have about the appeal as hanging out as a car wash.The owners of these places are raking in the money while Dunkin Donuts and its franchisee are raking up debt they never have any plans of repaying. This is the secret of dream money in the corporate class
Nigel couldn't believe at the great donuts and chicken along with hard liquor that is sold here and he has seen other areas have this same structure and business plan which is a threat to the garbage business of his brand. Nigel Travis is setting up an exploratory committee and seeing how best he can use his global brand and dream money to undermine these chicken and donuts competition business and clearly look for something and new village ordinances that Travis will commit money to preventing the mixing of chicken,coffee, and batter donuts. This scoundrel is very concerned about the prospect of independent bars and business selling donuts and alcohol as he knows he can never do this and it will but in to the few meager profits DD may actually bring.

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