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A little somethin' special from Hawaii for my handsome...

"Hi, my name's Charlie Cornichon Pompidou...I have a surname, too, but I forget what it is.  Just call me Charlie.  This is what my mum & dad got me from Honolulu since I couldn't go and surf the waves over there.  I quite like it.  It's super colourful and it's got the typical picturesque Hawaiian sunset, coconut trees and the famous Diamond Head on it.  I like chillin' in this shirt especially now it's summer here in Australia.  Whaddya think guys?  Do I look cool in it?  I hope it doesn't make my butt look big.  It's mostly fluff - I swear! tehe...."

[ posted with permission from my dog ]

P.S. He'd LOVE your feedback below! x

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