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Origins Starting Over Moisturizer - Review

This is a little embarrassing, but as you can see from the picture, I have nearly finished this jar of moisturizer and I am only getting to the review now. I got this moisturizer from Origins as part of a Christmas set the Christmas before last. I had it kicking around for ages unopened. I decided maybe 3 months ago or so to use it up. I mean like most Origins products and I figured it was time to start cleaning out some old stock and save on some purchases. So here we are.

The first few times I used this moisturizer I thought it was just "ok". Mainly I used it at night. Then I decided to start wearing it during the day under my makeup. I continued to think it was just "ok" for a few weeks. This may sound daft, but it was almost as if my skin liked this product the more I used it. My skin started responding to it very well, hungrily drank it up, and I noticed that my foundation seemed to mix well with it. It kept my skin looking hydrated throughout the day.

I have oily skin. This moisturizer is not the most moisturizing product in the world, but for me, it did the trick during the daytime. It has been unseasonably cold the last couple of months where I live (-40 degrees Celsius with the wind chill at times) and despite the nasty dry skin that I frequently have in other areas, my face has felt very protected and nourished with this product. I apply this over my Origins Plantscription serum. I am thinking that because they are both Origins products, that is why they work so well together even though they are both from different product lines. If you have really dry skin, I am not sure if this would be the best product for you.

I may repurchase, but I am not sure. I still really like my Dr. Hauschka Rose Day Cream. This would be a solid alternative though. It has served me well. This is $59 Canadian a jar which is a bit pricey for what it is I think.

Looks like this will be on my blog post about my recent empties which I will put up over the next few days.

Packaging: 6/10 (glass would have been nice) 
Texture: 9/10
Price: 8/10
Ingredients: 9/10
Travel Worthy: 7/10
Moisturizing: 7.5/10 (works better during the day than at night for me)
Look of Skin: 9/10 (daytime)  6/10 nighttime
Would I buy this again? Possibly Yes
Overall Rating: 7.5/10

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