Mitch Welch
Jeremy Hambly runs this huge YouTube channel where he owns and take on the libs and has made many a interesting podcast and in one recent one he took to own the owl ass of John Oliver. The authoritarian imported freak and pondscum from across the pond is another foreign accent media personality who attacks America and the freedom of expression and thoughts this country provides and the disdain this servant for the royal family and her majesty and social butterfly army ant little twig shit John Oliver works for the globalist is incredible. A man with such little talent and annoying behavior ad speak is given such a media and outlet to express himself and get others with different political opinion sows the lengths of the
corruption that global big media have become and John Oliver is a limp dick for advocating and then celebrating a man on YouTube because Owl Oliver believes Nguy Vu is spreading misinformation for not kowtowing to the WHO and believing everything the lying and dishonest Anthony Fauci repeats Faucism and the CDC's misinformation. The Oliversim is a form of fascism that seeks to label anything he don't like as misinformation and lies as Oliver pies for the extreme bogus lies and profits of the New World Order. John Oliver like the Quartering podcaster Jeremy Hambly represents legacy liberal media and they seek to boot off anyone or other voices that threaten their bad narrative and John Oliver would of fit right in Stalinist of Leninist Russia perhaps a media agent for Pol Pot if the proice was right as the little leprechaun that is John Oliver looking for a pot of Gold,
Mr Vu Aka The Radio King may be off YouTube but his popularity and reached has increased with many new viewers and traffic moving towards his website and he has a translation to English as he speaks and he had a message to the medics Marxism and communism --Whom Mr Vu fought during he Vietnam War and disdains-- and that was a big middle finger and said fuck you to John Oliver. John Oliver is a censorshipping horseshitting liberal fuck and he need to go back over that pond and quit propagandizing the new world order and support if it as the rotten piece of shit media monarch that he is.
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