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Having been caught in Jabba's trap, Luke Skywalker, seeing the oncoming Rancor, makes a Jedi leap upwards to escape, hanging onto the above floor railings for dear life, until a couple of sneaky little Jawa brutes ram their gun butts onto his hands and he's forced back down again.

A deleted scene from RETURN OF THE JEDI that fans have wanted to see for ages, ever since they saw images of it in merchandise during the films original 1983 release. Finally, a rough B/W workprint cut of this Jabba's Palace sequence (with a man in a gorilla suit filling in for the Rancor, as size reference during 1982 filming) was recently shown at the CELEBRATION EUROPE II event, as part of promotion for the J.W. Rinzler THE MAKING OF RETURN OF THE JEDI book's upcoming electronic release in October, containing this and other additional rare footage, within its pages. Further good news reveals that the new versions of the author's MAKING OF STAR WARS and EMPIRE in this format will also contain further rare goodies.

Return of the Jedi - missing scene - Jabba Palace - YouTube

With thanks to Ian Trussler.

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